Quick Ways to “Up” Your Home or Business Security
Enhancing security around your home or business doesn’t have to involve major expenses or upgrades to your alarm system. With a few straightforward steps and the convenient features of your alarm system’s mobile app, you can enjoy greater peace of mind:
Lock up consistently. Keep doors, windows, and vehicles locked whenever possible, and make sure your garage door is closed.
Hide valuables in your car. Don’t leave personal items—especially expensive ones—visible inside your vehicle.
Automate your lighting. Use your App to schedule outdoor lights and indoor lamps.
Enable notifications. Turn on security system alerts in the App.
Pick up deliveries. Bring packages in right away, or ask a neighbor to retrieve them if you’re not around.
Stay on top of mail. Collect your mail regularly so it doesn’t accumulate.
Display security signage. Place “Protected by ADT” window stickers or yard signs where they’re clearly visible.
Trim landscaping. Keep bushes and shrubs cut back to eliminate hiding spots.
Monitor neighborhood activity. Report anything out of the ordinary.
Get connected locally. Join an online neighborhood group for real-time updates and alerts.
Arm your alarm system. Use it whether you’re at home or away for added protection.
Activate the Door Chime. This feature notifies you whenever an exterior door is opened.
Be cautious on social media. Hold off on posting vacation details or travel photos until you return.
If you have questions about any of these tips, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 713-532-9005. We’re here to help!